Welcome to Andy Sway’s Transformation Station!

Unlock Your Inner Awesome with Andy Sway Ever feel like there’s a way cooler, calmer, and more powerful version of you trapped inside? Maybe you’re ready to break free from old patterns, shake off stress, and step into your best life. Well, you’re in the right place! Andy Sway has been guiding folks like you […]

Boundaries are Essential to Spiritual Growth

Boundaries are Essential to Spiritual Growth Boundaries are essential to manifesting the life we desire. Unfortunately, most of us were not taught to create authentic boundaries and we certainly were not given the tools necessary to maintaining our boundaries. If we are going to clear out the traumas of the past and build a life […]

Energy Healing Helps you Diffuse Reactivity

Diffuse your Emotional Reactivity with Energy Healing If you really want to thrive, your emotions are going to have to be a part of it. You will really benefit if you diffuse the emotional reactivity that keeps you in cycles of ups and downs. Energy healing helps you diffuse that reactivity. You can’t thrive and […]

“Understanding” is sometimes just the mind wanting to take over from Spirit.

Unlocking Spiritual Growth It seems like such a simple request, “Please explain. I want to understand.” But when it comes to spirit, it’s a good idea to even question the mind’s desire to understand. What the mind is often doing is trying to put spirit into it’s own matrix. Understanding is really just killing mystery […]

Emotional Blockages by Element

Air, Fire, Earth and Water: How the Elements Define our Emotional Blockages https://youtu.be/EOpZ1zKh4ZE Healing our Emotional Blockages The four elements of astrology  are a useful tool for understanding how the elements define our emotional blockages.  Healing is about breaking down the barriers to authenticity that limit us. It is a matter of erasing the limitations […]

Reincarnation and Life Purpose

Reincarnation and Life Purpose Reincarnation The concept of reincarnation is a fascinating one. It has been the subject of debate and discussion for centuries. While some people may find comfort in the idea that we are given multiple chances to fulfill our life purpose, others may not believe in the idea of reincarnation at all. […]

The Core Frequency

It’s who you are in this lifetime, and no other. Every time you incarnate, you are a unique entity. Sure, the soul is the same eternal being. The body, however, is different every time. You don’t actually even have a body in most incarnations, but that is a different issue. The Core Frequency is my […]

Your Higher Self is Always Reaching Out

Your Higher Self is Always Reaching Out Your higher self is always with you, reaching out to connect and be an intimate part of your consciousness. The problem is that the conscious ego mind always doubts the whisperings of the higher self. This is because the higher self just comes in as a whisper. It […]

Past Life Regression – How it Works

Andy Sway and Dolores Cannon

Past Life Regression: How it Works How does past life regression work? Past Life Regression Therapy is an alternative approach to psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to explore memories of previous incarnations. It has been used for many years by therapists around the world to treat patients suffering from anxiety, stress, trauma, phobias, addictions, and other […]

Past Life Regression Hypnosis and Emotional Healing

Dolores Cannon

Los Angeles is an especially interesting city to do past life regression. After practicing in New York City for 10 years I am thrilled to be working in LA. The openness and curiosity about this work is on a whole other level in Los Angeles.

Past Life Regression and Reincarnation

Reincarnation and Past Life Regression Reincarnation is an obvious fact to some people and a preposterous delusional fantasy to others. Despite America’s Christian heritage over a quarter of Americans believe in reincarnation. In India that number is around 40% despite the fact that reincarnation is a key belief in Hinduism, Buddhism and the Sikh religion. […]

Trauma and Spiritual Awakening

Trauma and Spiritual Awakening Trauma and spiritual awakening are linked to the degree that, for some people, a point is reached where it seems like only a spiritual path would help us deal with our trauma. Sometimes I wonder how people with little to no trauma in their pasts would come upon spiritual awakening. There […]

Personal Transformation is My Passion

Personal Transformation is My Passion Personal transformation is about becoming the most authentic expression of yourself. It is not about becoming some other person or some ideal that you have developed by rejecting yourself. A lot of people live in a state of self rejection. It is a living hell that most people have some […]

Are you trying to solve a problem or an emotion?

Are you trying to solve a problem or an emotion?   Emotions are Not Problems, They are Senses. We think we are solving problems when we are only resisting emotions. It happens a lot. Emotions are not problems. Think about that again. And then ask yourself, how often do you act as if they were? […]

Subtle Energy, The Foundation of Everything, is Usually Overlooked

Subtle Energy I’ve heard people say, “I don’t believe in energy“. Wow! I usually ask them if they are going to become Amish or something. Energy, in a sense, is all there is. The idea of subtle energy, or even just ‘energy’, has been made to seem like a crazy, new age concept. And if […]

Your Issues are ALIVE! (and want to stay that way)

Your Issues are Alive   Your issues are alive and they don’t want to die. You put in place to help you and now that you try to heal and transform them they are freaking out. You see, your issues, or emotional reactivity, were created as a way to keep you alive. Let’s say you […]

Forgiveness beyond Forgiveness

Andy Sway Wizard

Forgiveness   When I say I’ve struggled with the idea of forgiving those who have harmed me, please believe me, I mean it! For those of you who speak Astrology, I am a Scorpio with five planets in fixed signs including a T-Square involving the Sun, Saturn, Mars and Neptune. For the rest of you […]

The “Double Energy Lock”–A Price We Pay for Emotional Avoidance

The “Double Energy Lock”–A Price We Pay for Emotional Avoidance   The double energy lock is a way of looking at how resisting and avoiding our emotions saps our energy. Let’s say you have 100 units of energy. That’s all you have. This is your vital life force. It can go into physical movement, thinking, […]

Peak Experiences of the Spiritual Kind: Grounding and Integrating

Peak Experiences of the Spiritual Kind: Grounding and Integrating There is nothing as thrilling as a peak spiritual experience. New understandings of all levels of reality cause a cascade of joy, relief and understanding. Insecurities and grudges all become funny things of the past as we burst into the sort of laughter that only comes […]

Guilt is a Cancer

Guilt is a Cancer Guilt is a cancer on your energy system. You don’t need it anymore. This is not to say that there is no role for guilt to play. There is. Guilt is a necessary emotion in the short term and a very toxic one when you extend it out over time. This […]

The Placebo Effect Should be the Focus of Medical Research

The Placebo Effect Why isn’t the placebo effect being studied more? Tell me if I’m getting this all wrong but, I think medicine keeps looking in the wrong place when it searches for cures and treatments. I think the placebo effect contains within it the key to healing. Whenever pharmaceutical companies test a new drug […]

Manifestation. The world is a mirror.

  What is your manifestation showing you about yourself?   Manifestation Technique, It’s a Mirror: Use your outer reality as a mirror of what’s really inside of you. When you live from the premise that everything in your life is your manifestation life changes. Your orientation to everything around you becomes less victim oriented and […]

Feeling like an alien on Earth.

Feeling Like an Alien   Feeling like an alien is actually common among spiritual seekers and even ordinary people with no interest in spiritual matters. When I take people back to past lives in my hypnosis sessions they often are shocked at finding themselves in alien past lives. It usually starts when they notice they […]

“Surviving Death” On Netflix.

“Surviving Death” Surviving Death, a show on Netflix, showed me a connection I never really thought about before, the connection between Near Death Experiences and Past Life Regression. Here’s a video I made responding to the episode about NDEs or Near Death Experiences: There is a kind of emotional catharsis that happens in therapy in […]

Consciousness Creates: Change the Consciousness and Change the Creation

Consciousness Creates Physical and Experiential Manifestation and, Consciousness, and therefore Physical Manifestation, can be changed. There is nothing more fundamental in my belief system. There is nothing that summarizes the purpose of my work better than that. The elements of consciousness that can be changed include: Consciousness creates through Thoughts Here I’m referring to the […]

The Event and the New Earth: Stories of our upcoming ascension.

the three waves of volunteers and the new earth

Previous Event The Event and the New Earth: Stories of our upcoming ascension. A lot of information is coming out about the Event and the New Earth. One key moment that brought this information to the masses was the publication of Dolores Cannon’s book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.” In this […]

The Energy of Yearning

Feel what it feels like to yearn for something. We’ve all done it. We’ve been taught to. It’s part of the dissatisfaction that drives our world. Advertising would be a much smaller industry if we didn’t feel incomplete and in a state of yearning for some kind of completeness. So, just feel in your body […]

Grounding: The Basis for All Manifestation

Grounding and Manifestation   Grounding and manifestation can seem like opposite kinds of energy, and they are. They are opposites kind of like the way the head and feet are opposites. They are opposite but they need each other. There are a lot of people out there thinking they can move through life as a […]