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Andy Sway-Los Angeles, New York, Phone Sessions

Boundaries are Essential to Spiritual Growth

Boundaries are essential to manifesting the life we desire. Unfortunately, most of us were not taught to create authentic boundaries and we certainly were not given the tools necessary to maintaining our boundaries. If we are going to clear out the traumas of the past and build a life of authenticity, we need boundaries.

Good boundaries are essential because our authenticity can be seen as a threat to people who are afraid of the power of authenticity. You see, your breaking out of conformity poses a challenge to people on a subconscious level. People impose conformity on each other in friend groups, religious groups, families and all other areas humans cooperate.

But, in order to express your authentic creative self, weirdness is what is important. It’s not about seeking to be weird but not being afraid of the accusation. Uniqueness will be criticized in many cases, until others give acknowledgement. How many famous people have you seen whose closest friends and family just “don’t get it”.

Creativity requires you to hold a vision and not compromise this vision.

This is impossible without good boundaries.

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