Emotional Avoidance Requires a False Self Image

Andy Sway

Emotional avoidance requires a false self image because without a false self image you would never avoid anything you manifest. Whether it be a thought, a feeling, an intuition or a ‘negative’ emotion, it is not to be ignored. Or suppressed. When you avoid an emotion, on some level you think that you ‘can’t take it’. You think that the emotion is too strong for you to handle. It’s not so much that you go through a whole intellectual process about all of this. For most people emotional avoidance is the norm. It seems to come with our operating system. We think it’s obvious that we don’t want to feel unpleasant things. Emotional avoidance requires a false self image because the real you has no need to avoid any feeling.

A False Idea of “You”

So, who is this ‘you’ that can’t handle an emotion that your body-mind is generating? Because, remember, it is you who are generating this emotion in the first place and then resisting it. Is this you a vulnerable person with a limited life span and an unlimited time of terrifying abyss after that or are you an immortal spirit that never dies but always changes form? Are you a person who has been victimized your whole life and are just trying to be safe or are you an evolving being who is on a path of awakening? These ways of identifying who you really are do matter.

As I said above, emotional avoidance is the norm. It is only a question of degrees. Nobody wants to suffer and that’s very healthy. But being in a constant state of emotional avoidance only hinders spiritual and emotional evolution. My recommendation is to actually feel any emotion that arises. Be the ‘bigger person’ and let your difficult emotions approach you as the wounded children they are. Doing this puts you in the frequency of your soul. Love your inner children and allow them to be heard. Then you will transcend this pattern of emotional avoidance and drastically speed up your process of spiritual awakening.

Emotional avoidance requires a false self image because you are more powerful than you have ever imagined.

There is a part of us that craves the bliss of infancy. This part also avoids the power that we all possess to shape our reality. We avoid the embodiment of our true selves and our life purposes because we lost our innocence and it hurt, a lot.

But we are here to manifest from our uniqueness. Each of us has a unique frequency that we are here to contribute to the whole. The shame we felt for just being ourselves has to be overcome for us to get on with our life purpose. We have to turn that shame to a grounded, excited sense of creative purpose.

So, who are you?

I have worked with QHHT past life regression hypnosis for ten years and I have done over 1500 sessions on clients of many nationalities, religions and backgrounds. This technique, pioneered by Dolores Cannon, helps people tune into who they really are. When you see the past lives you have had you realize that you are much more than you realize. Beyond past lives, you are a soul. The soul is the non-physical aspect of you. When you connect with this aspect of you, everything looks different, especially your ability to feel.

Emotional Avoidance Requires a False Self Image, a non intuitive one.

Intuition is emotion. Memorize that!

People value intuition but avoid emotion. You can’t have intuition without emotion. If you want to tap into the magic of the unseen realms, you will use emotion to do that. If you are avoiding emotions you are cutting off feeling and substituting thought. That leads to neurosis. Not recommended!