Intuitive Life Coaching and Mentoring:
20 Hours of Intensive Transformation in a Month

Five Hours a Week of Intense Personal Transformation Work
20 Hours/$1500

One Hour Sessions: $100-phone or online only

Mentoring Might be in Order If You Are

  • Going through a Divorce
  • Changing Careers or Feel a Strong Need to Do So
  • In the Process of a Spiritual Awakening
  • Needing a Boost in the Creative Process
  • Healing Deep, Neglected Issues That Require a Lot of Attention
  • Ongoing Consulting on any Issue

Spiritual Mentoring is about going to the roots of what you have created in life so far and making some adjustments. We will work on healing limiting beliefs and the traumas that caused them. We will re-pattern your relationships, starting with parents and romantic partners and moving to clients and co-workers. This work is above all, practical. Text me at 212 505 7729 to get started. I usually respond within less than 24 hours. You can also email me at


There is power in who you really are, in your pure authenticity.

Your authentic self chose to incarnate in this body, in this era, into this family for a very good reason.

We were all born with a life purpose and the talents to carry it out. You were also born with challenges that need to be overcome.

You are here to overcome those challenges and manifest a life that is a reflection of your authentic self.


My consulting method is based on pure intuition combined with decades of experience working with business owners, executives, actors, models, and people in all areas of the worlds of business, fashion and entertainment. I help my clients navigate the fine are of negotiating with the biggest egos out there. And sometimes the most fiercesome egos out there are right in your family.





This type of Spiritual Mentoring is for those of you who are dedicated to going extremely deep, extremely quickly. This is NOT for everyone. It is a one month process (can be extended) of completely re-writing your story, re-aligning your emotional state and cleaning up in-authenticity in your life. This process of spiritual mentoring is extremely challenging and only for those who are dedicated to awakening to their authentic spiritual selves and clearing everything that is getting in the way. In this process I use all of the tools that are used in the other types of sessions I do:

The challenging part of spiritual mentoring is relentlessly confronting the ego and the emotional avoidance it sets up. It comes down to avoiding emotions. Avoiding emotions is avoiding the inner child that holds onto the pain.


Every emotion that you avoid holds a gift. The world trained us to believe that emotions are like negative entities. We treat emotions as beings that do bad things to us. They come out of nowhere and are not controllable. What most people don’t understand is that emotions are at the core of our human experience. In spiritual mentoring we understand that if we avoid emotions, we distort our lives.

But life is all about evolution. The universe is evolutionary. That means that whatever we avoid will come at us as an outside force that needs to be dealt with. For example, if we are afraid of rejection and avoid it at all costs we will be confronted by people who reject us. We will manifest a pattern of rejection. Most people, unfortunately, will never see that they created the pattern and that they have the power to stop it.


One thing that my clients oftentimes find extremely challenging is how to re frame their relationships in light of their personal transformation. A lot of people in your life may have a stake in you not being your authentic self, not voicing your truth and not asking for what you need. They may get upset when you start displaying who you really are.

We all adapt to others in order to get along in society, but sometimes we adapt to the point of hiding our true selves so much that we become unrecognizable to ourselves. People in our lives think they know us but they don’t. And eventually we get so lost that we don’t even know who we are. My inspiration helping people through this is the ‘coming out’ process that gay kids have to go through with their parents. We deserve to be ourselves and create a life that is authentic. Some unwinding and re-framing of relationships is often needed to make this happen. I enjoy coaching my clients through this delicate process. 


We all have talents and gifts that are beyond our current imagination and self image. We have built a limited reality that conforms to our limitations. The problem for many spiritual seekers is that they know all of this but they don’t know how to translate their higher insights into their careers and relationships. This process of spiritual mentoring is as much about guidance as it is about healing issues.

Perfect for:

  • Those who have studied healing but are finding it hard to put themselves out there as a healer.
  • People who have done a lot of personal transformation work but feel stuck.
  • If you are new to this realm of spiritual transformation and awakening who feel they need to “catch up” quickly.
  • People who need to learn to integrate their spirituality more deeply into their personal and professional lives.


This is the suggested format for a Monthly Mentoring program. Some clients prefer one method over another so, we can design a program that meets your needs.

On week ONE we set the tone for the month through three intense sessions.  We will begin with our first phone session before doing a two hour energy healing session and then a 4-5 hour hypnosis session. This week will set the tone for our future work. We will re-frame your issues in a way that helps you build a foundation for healing. This new framework will continue throughout the mentoring process.

On week TWO we will do another phone session to integrate the previous week’s work. We will then do a two hour energy healing session.

On week 3 we will do one phone session, our second hyposis session and one two hour energy healing session.

On week 4 we will do another two hour energy healing session and, finally, our last phone session to integrate the entire process. 


Monthly One on One Spiritual Mentoring Package   $1500.00, a 25% Discount.

** Sessions must be completed within 4 weeks, maximum, unless special arrangements are made prior to beginning the package.**

Suggested Package


4 Two Hour Energy Healing Sessions–Regularly $800

2- Four to Five Hour Past Life Regression Hypnosis Sessions–Regularly $800

4-One hour phone sessions–Regularly $400