Past Life Regression: How it Works

Andy Sway energy healing

How does past life regression work?

Past Life Regression Therapy is an alternative approach to psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to explore memories of previous incarnations. It has been used for many years by therapists around the world to treat patients suffering from anxiety, stress, trauma, phobias, addictions, and other psychological disorders.

What Is Past Life Therapy?

Past Life Regression therapy is based on the idea that we each have lived multiple lifetimes before our current lifetime. In fact, we have lived many different lives throughout history. We can access these memories through hypnosis. This type of therapy allows us to gain insight into our own personal development and how we can improve ourselves as individuals.

Why Should I Try it?

If you are interested in learning more about who you are on a bigger level, then you should consider trying it. You will learn about yourself and your past lives. You may discover things about yourself that you didn’t realize existed. The information you tap into may be overwhelming to your current identity but it will empower you to fulfill the life purpose you came here for.

If you consider the possibility that you have lived before, and you have no memory of that existence, it would seem obvious that you would want to do something about that forgotten history. Past life regression is about coming to a more holistic view of how and what you really are.

Also, psychological issues that have their roots in past lives cannot be accessed for healing without going to the originating trauma. Past life regression hypnosis is, in this way, a basic requirement for personal emotional healing.

Preparing for Your Past Life Regression Session

The first thing is to have an intention about what you would like to achieve with the session. You may want to wait until our preparatory phone conversation to do that. But having a general intention helps you achieve the optimal result.

Next, prepare a list of questions for your higher self. You may want to ask about your life purpose–most people ask this question and I recommend it highly. You may also want to ask about talents or abilities that you are not sufficiently aware of. These talents and abilities may be part of who you are and may be crucial to the highest fulfillment of your life purpose.

Also feel free to write questions about any emotional, psychological or health issues you are working on. Your higher self can give great advice and guidance. It can even heal your body in the most miraculous ways. This is not me doing the healing. It is your higher self.

What Happens During A Session?

Past life regression therapy involves going into a trance state where you can relive memories from previous lifetimes. The trance may be deep, meaning that you have no memory afterwards. Most of the time the trance is light enough that you do remember and are fully award during the session. No matter how deep the trance goes, the client always is in control of their session.

This process allows you to gain insight into who you were in other lifetimes. More importantly perhaps, it puts you in touch with the soul, spirit or non-physical aspect of the self. You see, the personality does not reincarnate. It is the soul that is the common denominator throughout all of your existences.