Subtle Energy
I’ve heard people say, “I don’t believe in energy“. Wow! I usually ask them if they are going to become Amish or something. Energy, in a sense, is all there is. The idea of subtle energy, or even just ‘energy’, has been made to seem like a crazy, new age concept. And if the idea of subtle energy is crazy then the idea of healing using, or targeting, subtle energy is even crazier. Since I do energy healing, I have a clear interest in this issue. Two of the most easily understood subtle energies that I’ll discuss here are emotions and beliefs/thoughts.
Emotions: The main form of subtle energy that you experience.

We experience life emotionally. Emotions are subtle energies and they are key to how we experience life. I often tell clients that everything in life comes down to a feeling. All of our goals are really based on the projected feeling we imagine we would have if we were to reach them. Every desire you have comes down to the feeling of desire. Desire is a feeling in itself–plus the feeling we expect to have once the desire if fulfilled.
Emotional Transformation
If we can somehow change our emotional experience in a positive way, we may have no need for any other type of transformation. We may have no need to change anything more concrete than the subtle energy of emotion. We have all experienced this: you go to a party and have a great time. You think that you were just at a great party. A friend at the same party experiences the party as boring. Who is correct? Each of you based your judgement of the party on emotion. You arrived at the party in a certain emotional state and the party affected that state in some way.
Emotions are symbolized by the water element and that is appropriate since we are constantly swimming in them. Most people are in multiple levels of emotional suppression and denial. They choose to live in the mind rather than fully experience emotion. When we clear this subtle energetic field of emotion of negative charges and reactivity, we can come to a new foundation of experience that includes the ability to feel and appreciate all emotions.
Beliefs and Thoughts are even subtler energy constructs. They lie at the foundation of our emotional experience. Beliefs shape perception. Perception is all we have. So, our entire existence is shaped by the subtle energy we call beliefs.
Changing beliefs changes your reality
I have recently begun discovering the revolutionary power of changing belief structures. In my own life and with clients I’ve seen that when we change a belief, we create a domino effect of transformation. One main belief that we really need to change is the belief that certain emotions are too painful to feel. They aren’t. When you have a belief like this, you are actually cutting yourself off from a very important form of sensing. You are disconnecting from the guidance your emotional system is trying to give you. Past-life regression hypnotherapy really helps reprogram everything underlying your beliefs because it shows you a bigger view of who you are, on an eternal level.