Andy Sway and Dolores Cannon
Previous Event

The Event and the New Earth: Stories of our upcoming ascension.

A lot of information is coming out about the Event and the New Earth. One key moment that brought this information to the masses was the publication of Dolores Cannon’s book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth.” In this book Dolores presents numerous QHHT Past Life Regression Sessions that bring forth the common theme that there have been waves of souls coming to Earth to assist us in our ascension process.

In my hypnosis sessions I have received the same information.

If you have felt like you really don’t belong here and that you “want to go home” you are probably part of one of these waves of volunteers.

Earth Evolving

The idea behind the Event and the New Earth is that the Earth is a living being that is evolving. It is actually ascending to a higher frequency and some say it already has. The question is whether we will be able to match that frequency or not. So humans are playing a huge game of catch up.

Divine beings were faced with a conundrum around this. The problem is that we have free will and may not be interfered with by higher beings. So they are not allowed to impact us directly just as aliens won’t arrive to save us from our folly.

So a solution was found. Higher beings from around the universe decided to volunteer to incarnate as humans. This means that they would lose their memories of who they really are. So they wouldn’t realize that they were here to usher in the Event and the New Earth.

So where is the Event and the New Earth?

Why don’t we see it?

We don’t see it because we are in the process of clearing out everything that is in the way. The current epidemic is just one aspect of an unveiling of the rot that we’ve been living in. Things are being brought to the surface. It is our choice whether to repeat the negative cycle and possibly perish or to finally heal this human species.

Watch the video:

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