The Way of the Fool

The way of the fool is a path of “not knowing”. We in the Western world obsess about gaining knowledge in order to have security. The idea that “knowledge is power” implies separation from the Divine. It also is a result of a lack of trust in the perfection of the universe. We seek to know because we are afraid. Knowing what will happen in the future is a strategy for self-protection. This way of being limits how we allow reality to appear to us. Fixed beliefs and knowledge are our enemies-not our protectors.
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In this evening seminar, we will clear blockages to embodying our vulnerability as a source of power. We will work on integrating the idea that only by staying in a state of constant openness can we stay attuned to the whisperings of the divine. Only with an open heart and trusting mind can the infinite potential of the universe-and of our lives- manifest.
This is a group healing/meditation that will seek to clarify our resistance to vulnerability. Another intention is to help us clear the issues that force us to have a compulsive need to be in control, a state that only leads to stagnation and limitation. Openness allows us to act in accordance with divine will, activating the channels of intuition and creativity. By embodying the archetype of the Fool in the symbolism of Tarot, we continuously leave the past behind as we step into the unknown. The unknown is the only authentic place to be-the void that is the source of all manifestation. Vulnerability can lead us in one of two directions-fear or excitement. Resistance to our vulnerability manifests as fear. Embracing our vulnerability leaves us in a state of excited openness and brings back energy levels that we thought we left behind in childhood.