Trauma and Spiritual Awakening

Trauma and Spiritual Awakening

Trauma and spiritual awakening are linked to the degree that, for some people, a point is reached where it seems like only a spiritual path would help us deal with our trauma. Sometimes I wonder how people with little to no trauma in their pasts would come upon spiritual awakening. There are people who seem to think that nobody would approach spiritual awakening without being “damaged” to some degree.

Trauma sparks spiritual awakening

Trauma makes us ponder our world and our place in it. It forces us to contemplate the meaning of our existence and life itself. It either creates a deep numbness, it seems, or a deep sensitivity. Maybe it is a yin/yang phenomenon where both are equally present.

So, is spirituality an escapist fantasy for the traumatized? It absolutely can be that. Trauma and spiritual awakening can both be abused concepts.

Feeling better is not always the best approach to healing


More importantly, there is a lot of spirituality out there that is all about feeling better in the moment without going deep into the roots of our issues. I must admit to being an intense Scorpio who tends to plunge into the deepest waters in a way that can feel overwhelming for others. Wanting to get to the roots of everyone’s issues I work with can be a powerful driving force and being soothing isn’t always my strong suit. What I need to communicate in this realm of trauma and spiritual awakening is that I don’t see you as your trauma. I don’t identify you as that. It’s more like I see you as a person carrying an unnecessary burden that I have the ability to help you lift.

You can put down the burden of the trauma you carry with you. This burden and all of its accompanying philosophies and beliefs are not what you are. You are a spirit in a body. You chose to be that for a reason. Part of that reason is to master the art of healing by remembering who you really are–spirit. So trauma and spiritual awakening do go hand in hand.

After practicing Past LIfe Regression for over 12 years I get a peek at what the soul intends when it decides to incarnate on Earth. Much of that intention is to overcome trauma. It is traumatic to be in a body when your true identity is an eternal soul. We chose to come here to learn. We choose to incarnate into a realm where trauma exists so that we can remember that we are not that. The choice we make is to awaken from that trauma and remember ourselves as the spirit we have always been.

emotional avoidance can start early
Oh no!
Spiritual awakening and trauma. Only the first resolves the second.